Monday, February 25, 2019

New Membership Directory & St. Patrick’s Day Cornhole Tournament!

Introducing the New Membership Directory

As long-time members of Hayward Golf Club will recall, in the past we provided a hard-copy version of our Membership Directory to facilitate contact between members.

Now that so much physical media has been supplanted by the digital space, we wanted to update our Membership Directory for the 21st century, while still giving all of our members the ability to find contact information with ease.

So, if you go to the Hayward Golf Club website (, you will notice a tab at the top of the page that says “Membership.” Hover over that, and a dropdown box with the option “Member Directory” will be revealed. Clicking on that will take you to a password login page.

This page is password protected, and passwords will only be given out to members at Hayward Golf Club who are interested.  Obviously, as people sign up for memberships throughout the off- and early season, the directory will continue to be updated.

And as a reminder, with Spring (theoretically!) around the corner, HERE is our 2019 Membership Application Form.

2nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Cornhole Tournament – Saturday, March 16th

Registration will begin at 12:00pm, with bags beginning to fly at 1:00pm.

Format: 2 person teams. Space is limited to the first 24 teams. After three round robin matches, the players will be split into two brackets, championship and social, based on performance during the round robin series.

Cost: $25 dollars per player. Entry includes game play, pizza buffet, and a chance at prize money. Full Cash bar will be available. Team names, uniforms and spectators are encouraged!  Email if you are interested!

Finally, we wanted to acknowledge a couple big prize winners of our recent Super Bowl Board promotion and watch party.

  • Charlie Place won $600.00
  • Dick Klaus won $300.00

Thanks so much to all who participated and helped set the stage for future improvements at Hayward Golf Club!